Valuation of factory undergoing works
The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has dismissed an appeal to delete or reduce the rating assessment of a factory undergoing works. ...Read More
The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has dismissed an appeal to delete or reduce the rating assessment of a factory undergoing works. ...Read More
A Labour Party advisory group has put forward some novel proposals for reform of the business rates system. ...Read More
The Lands Tribunal for Scotland has issued a decision determining Rateable Values for a number of NHS clinic in Scotland. Different method of valuation were used for different properties. ...Read More
The August RPI 2014 figure has been announced and shows a 2.4% increase over the previous year. ...Read More
The Government has, unexpectedly, announced that it has suspended, at least until 2017, changes to the business rates appeals process that were expected to come into force on 1 October 2014. ...Read More