Valuation dates for 2017 Revaluation confirmed
The valuation dates for the 2017 Rating Revaluations in England and Wales have now been confirmed by Parliamentary Orders. ...Read More
The valuation dates for the 2017 Rating Revaluations in England and Wales have now been confirmed by Parliamentary Orders. ...Read More
The rating assessments of two warehouses have been merged by a Tribunal decision, despite the two buildings being separated by a public highway. ...Read More
New Rateable Values, which will come into effect on 1 April 2015 in Northern Ireland, have been published by Land and Property Services on its website. ...Read More
A decision of the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has considered the effect of tenant's alterations when valuing for rating purposes ...Read More
The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has reduced the assessment of self-catering holiday units in Pembrokeshire to reflect the "exceptional workload" involved in running the property. ...Read More